房价增长速度越来越快,在加拿大买房子永远最优投资,能早买不晚买。 但是资金不够怎么办?贷款借钱买房,借鸡下蛋!贷款是用最少的现有资金最大限度的买房投资。买房子越多,增值越多!这时候有一位给力的贷款经纪人是多么幸运!我要衷心推荐我的贷款经纪Brenda Yu. 2020年初我和丈夫意识到买房的重要性……这样2020年六月我们这样的低收入搬入了宽敞明亮的大House, 孩子天天可以安全在后花园玩耍。

第二次选择Brenda帮我们贷款,比第一次还低的利率。速度也更快,不到一周就让我们收到借款了。这样我们卖房后能快速搬入新家,无缝衔接换房,中间不用租房。不论你现在经济状况如何,都可以联系Brenda Yu, 和她聊聊,很可能会发现,你也能买房,或者能买更多的房! 2021-July


Hello Brenda, It is my pleasure to be able to recommend you with confidence and no concern at all that those friends I recommend will get anything but the best advice and service, as I did when I was last  working with you. Thank you!! 2021-August

I really appreciate all your help in getting my home mortgage. You‘be been right there, helping out whenever you could for these past few months. I especially appreciate your help with the changing to lower rate as well as the new date of the loan.

I’m very impressed with your professional and excellent services and assistance. I’m looking forward the next chance to work with you and will recommend you to my friends.

Again, thank you so much. 2021-02

As my mortgage advisor, Brenda Yu refinances my mortgage efficiently to lower the interest rate. She not only answers any of my questions immediately but also provides the best professional advice. Her truly exceptional and effective service offers me real benefits, and makes my dream a reality of owning a home. 

She is the best mortgage advisor ever. I deeply appreciate all that she did for me. 2020-06